Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Not Your Standard Post

Where's your bar? This is a follow-up to my  "How High is Too High?" post. "Raising the bar" is a common phrase among churches. Especially in youth churches and groups. It means raising your standards. AKA making your expectations higher. The world seems to think that having the bar on the floor is just fine. We need to set the example. It's time to raise the bar.

How can we raise the bar? How can we raise our standard? BELIEVE that you can raise it. Then jump that bar! Fly over it. Believe in yourself and be an example.

On the blog, The Daily Love, Mastin Kipp says, “Raise your standards and you will rise along with them. Want the best for yourself, set a new standard and then STICK TO IT! It is very easy to blame other people for what’s wrong in your life. But in every circumstance, other people are never to blame. Any relationship you’ve ever been in, you’ve chosen to be in. Every action you’ve taken in every moment of your life was a choice that you made.”

 Think of yourself living that new, higher life and do it. Challenge yourself to do meet the bar and watch yourself SOAR over the walls and the boundaries in your life.

You can't do it alone, though. You need God to help you. After all, you can't fly without wings! (God = wings)

*Pray*Raise the Bar*Believe*Pray*Soar*Pray*Repeat*

That's how you raise the bar.

How High is Too High?

How high is too high? For some, standing on a chair is high enough. For others even flying isn't high enough. From what I can see, the world likes staying on the floor. As low as a person can get.

I'm talking about "Expectations". You often hear people say "I expected you too..." "That's not what I expected" or "I expect...." but what does the word really mean? Dictionary.com puts it this way: " something looked forward to, whether feared or hoped for.... an attitude of expectancy or hope; anticipation... synonym: Hope; trust." Wait a sec... what does that say? Hope is another word for expectation? Yes indeed, it is.
As Christians, we need to have high expectations of others and of ourselves. We need to expect things. We need to expect God to answer our prayers. We should expect that God will meet all our needs. We should HOPE for the best, we should EXPECT the best and we should TRUST God to meet our needs.

A love that lasts forever

I've always known God loves me. I've grown up in Christian home, been going to the same Church since I was born and never had any big trials in my life. It's been pretty smooth sailing for me. I've been in the same house, with the same people and the same friends around me for my whole life. My parents, sister and Aunt and Uncle (who are like grandparents to me) are still alive and I have it pretty easy. I've always know I'm loved, but I never knew HOW much I was loved.

I've really started to dig in to my Bible and journal the past couple months. I'll admit, I've slacked off a bit, but I've grabbed my shovel again. I figured, since Summer started YESTERDAY for me, I can start reading it more, but that's besides the point :)
Reading my Bible has made me realize how much God truly loves me. After I read, I feel so alive and loved.

I'm not sure when it was the I began to find how much God truly loves me. Maybe it was at NIKO or Go-camp or Montana mission trip last year. I'm can't pin-point a certain day or even a month that I finally came to realize His love for me. I never really had the huge "change" that people talk about when they first meet God. I was so young when I gave my heart away to the King. I don't think I really ever did change. I've always been like this.

Ok... this is getting WAY off-topic. Now that you know my life story, here my point: God loves you and me and all of humanity (his creation) with a never stopping, never giving up, forever and day kind of love. He died for you so he could live with you forever in perpetual bliss. He loves you and wants to be with you forever. He's calling your name. How will you respond?

This is a very powerful  song about God's forever love. It is very true and very, very real. Please listen to it!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Life, liberty and the pursuit of WARMTH!

Hey readers!

So sorry I haven’t written in a while… life’s been Ca-razy! It’s getting to be toward the end of the Schoolyear for me (atleast at co-op) and as I’m sure you know, May is a busy month! The only reason I’m able to post this now is because I had to stay home from co-op, thanks to a sore throat. So, I’ve been spending this first Monday in May morning (happy belated May day, by the way) watching brainless cartoons, (Back at the Barnyard, Spongebob and such… I feel my IQ level lowering.) Listening to music and reading a really neat book while cuddled up on the couch.

 I cannot wait for summer. Sun, (can I get some of that now, please?) swimming and lots of friend time. I miss hanging out with my sisters! The only bad thing about this Summer? School. See, I’m home schooled and WAY behind on my Algebra 1, history and science. On the bright side, it should only take an hour or two. Not too bad J

This weekend was way too fun! My mom had left on Friday for a scrapbook retreat so my dad and Rocksea, my sis, got to spend some time together. Saturday was super fun! After doing THREE HOURS of algebra, we went to the mall. I spent all my money on a few books, a shimmer lotion, hair accessories and make-up. I am such a girly-girl. J When we got back, we curled up and watched Star Wars: A New Hope. I’d never seen it before, and it has my aproval!

The other night, when I was praying and journaling, I asked God whether or not I should join Worship team at Epic Youth. (our church’s youth group) I’ve been wanting to join for the longest time, but I was never sure when it would be the right time. I figured that sometime after the focus group I attend finishes the “Lies Young Women Believe” book gets over, I might start. Anyway, I was praying and asking God whether I should join and suddenly above all of my thoughts (and I was thinking A LOT of thoughts) I heard “YES” and then I started to get chills. That’s the first time I’ve ever heard from God like that before. It was amazing! God is so good! J Thus, I will be starting Worship team in June. I am so excited!

Anyhow, that’s what’s going on in my life. What’s going on in yours?


The Black Swan